Lived Experience Stories Form

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Thank you for agreeing to share your lived experience story with PANDA. 

We are so grateful for people like you who wish to make the most of your lived experience and support the community.

This form may take up to 45 minutes to complete. The form cannot be saved so please allow this time so that you do not lose your responses. 

All fields are mandatory to complete. This is so we are able to write every story with the same amount of helpful information for new and expecting parents, as well as health care providers.  

Stories shared with us are used in many different ways. Some stories are published on our website, or shared on social media.

By submitting your story, you provide PANDA with consent to use all or any part of your story, such as quotes, insights and examples to develop content to help expecting and new parents as well as upskilling health care providers. We will send you a consent form to sign shortly after submission.

We are very fortunate to have many people who share their story with us which means that not all stories are published immediately.

If you have any questions about how your story may be used, please contact Megan Cassar at 
About you

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Your perinatal mental health challenges

There is no need to answer this question if you did not use the PANDA Helpline.

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Getting the right support

Thinking about how things improved for you and your family.

Tell us about any support you continue to seek out.