Contact PANDA

For more information about how we collect and store your data please read our Privacy Policy

Finance enquiries may relate to invoicing, payments and receivables.

Please click 'Next Page' to provide further details for our Finance Team to action your request. 

Education and Training enquiries may relate to further information about a specific resource on our website, or questions about our education modules for health professionals and clinics.

This is also the right place for those of you interested in learning more about our Community / Clinical Champion Program or for technical issues with the PANDA Learning Hub. 

Recruitment enquiries may relate to anything about working or volunteering at PANDA. All of our current opportunities are posted on our website here

Please click 'Next Page' and ensure you provide enough details for our Recruitment Team to action your request. 

Do you have a compliment, feedback or an issue you'd like us to know about? 

Please click 'Next Page' and ensure you provide enough details for the PANDA Team to action your request. 

If your problem or question doesn't fall into any of the categories we've mentioned, please click 'Next Page' and ensure you provide enough details for the PANDA Team to get back to you.  

Proposal Details

Research (Further Information)

To refer your client/patient to our Helpline program please complete our online Health Professional Referral Form. You can read more about referring to PANDA here

PANDA can only accept client referrals through the form. Please follow the link to complete and submit. 

Healthcare Provider Referral Form

If you are already working or volunteering with PANDA, or part of our Community Champion community, feel free to identify yourself so we can direct your enquiry or feedback.

Sometimes people just want to give feedback, however if you give PANDA permission for us to email you back, please select YES.